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25YRS | Alternative | Bass | Benefiz | Brunch | Café-Konzert | Country | Dancehall | Disco | Drum & Bass | Dub | Dubstep | Edit | Electric island | Electronic | Eurodance | Experimental | Feat.Fem | Film | Filmquiz | Folk | Footwork | Funk | Ghetto | Grime | Halftime | Hardcore | HipHop | House | Import/Export | Inbetween | Indie | Indietronic | Infoveranstaltung | Jazz | Jungle | Kleine Bühne | Klub | Lesung | Metal | Oi! | Pop | Postrock | Psychobilly | Punk | Reggae | Rock | RocknRoll | Roter Salon | Seminar | Ska | Snowshower | Soul | Sport | Subbotnik | Techno | Theater | Trance | Veranda | Wave | Workshop | tanzbar |


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Termin: 24.08.2024


Samstag, 24.08.2024, Einlass: 23:00 Uhr






Shinedoe (DJ)

Shinedoe plays techno. Yet, she puts so much soul into it, that even the machine-made rhythms seem to become a living being, dancing through the room and with the audience.
Over the course of two decades, Shinedoe has carved a path into the world of house and techno that is entirely her own. Shinedoe relentless passion for the finer elements of electronic dance music has seen her win over hearts and minds in every aspect she has turned her attention to – from her transformative DJ performances, authoritative productions, and exquisitely curated label – Intacto and MTM Records. Like only a handful others in the scene, her name signifies a strength of purpose and commitment to quality that is rare in the world of dance music. Based in Amsterdam and with Nigerian roots, Shinedoe has graced some of the world’s most significant DJ booths – from her countless performances in Berlin’s Berghain to underground festivals and clubs all over the world. Beginning her journey as a DJ at 19 years old, Shinedoe has drawn inspiration from originators like Jeff Mills, Derrick May, Juan Atkins, Carl Craig, Kevin Saunderson and Orlando Voorn. With her deep connection to the sounds of Detroit, Chicago and the often unsung Amsterdam scene, her DJ sets blend these influences with a warmth and style that few can hope to emulate – her mixes take dancers on an explorative trip to the beyond. Shinedoe radiates a positivity that at times can seem in short supply elsewhere in electronic dance music. Dive into her extensive back catalogue of productions and it’s clear she has established a sound that is recognisably her own – both timeless and unique. Her releases stretch back over a decade to when her debut track Dillema dropped on Dutch label 100% Pure in 2004. It was clear nothing was going to hold her back – the track was picked up by everyone from the techno elite to the bedroom DJs and ravers who couldn’t get enough of its tough, funky and infectious groove. A series of killer 12s would follow, both on her former Intacto imprint and labels such as Rekids, Ibadan Records, Cocoon, Bpitch Control, Axis Records (album)- to name but a few. Key moments included the Fuse Presents Shinedoe mix that dropped in 2007 on Music Man, which added extra heat to her already hot reputation.

Monty Luke (DJ)

Always seeking, always learning, Monty Luke is a musical explorer with a future-forward aesthetic, focused on raw, dub-infused house and techno. His career has seen him take on an eclectic collection of roles which is reflected in his wide ranging discography, remixes and energetic DJ sets. With a stylistic focus on themes relating to futurism, science fiction and dystopia, he also frequently uses his voice as an instrument, to either directly convey emotions through lyrics or indirectly convey ideas by turning those vocals into unrecognizable components within a song’s arrangement.
He is currently based in Berlin, but immediately prior, Monty spent 10 pivotal years in Detroit, a part of “Detroit 3.0," a movement that saw the city regain its relevance after years of recession. This resurgence included the world of electronic music and also the arts, as Monty also spent two years as Public Programs Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit(MOCAD). It was an unexpected twist to his time in the midwest city and another manner in which he contributed to pushing the region a step forward during the wave-swell of a cultural and economic comeback.
In 2011, Monty launched his own imprint, Black Catalogue, which now stands at nearly thirty-five releases in its discography, including music from artists such as the Carter Bros, King Britt, Stefan Ringer, John Tejada, Thomas Melchior, Dave Aju and many other kings and queens of the underground. Black Catalogue is also a stage for Monty’s own productions, in particular his Mandingo alias which is focused on the fusion of his Caribbean roots and new forms in House and Techno.
With a passion for futurist ideals, Monty’s eyes are always locked ahead—his persistent state of forward-thinking leading him to the discovery of the Mars One Project, which aimed to establish permanent human settlement on Mars. He made the first cut in 2014 and was one of some 600 contestants left in the running before finally being eliminated in early 2015. Monty’s devout interest in the connection between outer space, music, technology, media and futurism and fuses together the overall product: an audio astronaut who pushes his intergalactic sound. He is adjusting the frequency, staying in tune with an ever-evolving musical landscape.

Lydia Eisenblätter (DJ)

Als wir noch die Schulbank drückten oder uns zu minimalistischem Techno im Keller versteckten, die Lungen voller Nebelfluid, hatte Lydia den Kopf bereits über den Wolken. Die Augen und Ohren fest auf die Metropolen der Great Lakes am anderen Ufer des Antlantiks gerichtet. Den Soul in der Seele, den Funk in den Fingern, Im Herzen ein Traum nach großen Melodien und dem Tanz in Ekstase. Fast forward, sie betreibt sie ein erfolgreiches Label, spielte kürzlich in der Panaroma Bar, und beim Weekender das Closing zum Samstag in der Halle.. Preach it Lydi!

Sam (DJ)

Passt einfach. Sam holt das Weekender-Double. Bei der zwei Jahre zurückliegenden Sause noch als „Whatever Floats Your Boat“ auf dem Flyer, läuft die Kapitänin dieses Jahr unter eigenem Namen in den Hafen des Hedonismus ein. Hat sich auch einiges getan in der Zwischenzeit. Mühelos navigiert sie ihren Zweimaster durch die noch so rauen (Vorsicht, Metapher!) Gewässer der DJ- und Clubsavanne. Flauten? Fehlanzeige. Der Wind in den Segeln kommt nicht von ungefähr, Bauchpinselei mit aussagekräftigen Adjektiven an dieser Stelle also überflüssig.

n:oem (DJ)

Angefangen hat alles im Conne Island Proberaum. Feuertaufe Halftime, dann gings schnell: Kreuz und Quer durch die MIttelsächsische Clublandschaft und natürlich, raus in den Äther. Zunächst zu hören bei Corax und Callshop, kuratieren sie mittlerweile die tolle Radiosendung Something Sweet, Something Salty auf Sphere Radio. Unsere Prognose: Geht ab wie Schmitts Katze - aber zunächst ein Zwischenstop auf der Veranda beim Electric Weekender. Mit eclectic sounds for electric souls, werden sie euch sanft in die Nacht geleiten.

R!ke B2B Marov (DJ)

R!ke speaks to all our senses. She tickled our taste buds with self-made ice cream in the Electric Beer garden. She blew us away with a flawless selection of deep-house Electric Wave. She heads our visual production team for Electric Weekender, making sure the night will be bright.
Marov fits tracks together like a bespoke tailor a suit. With flawless pacing, his selections grips you firm yet gently, making you move in ecstasy or nod your head in contemplation.
That’s why we are looking more than forward to hearing R!ke and him for a full 4 hours, just after the sun comes up - just the right combination to soothe your mind after a long rave or ease you into the Sunday madness after a good night's sleep. Have your Shazam ready and expect the unexpected. From lullabies to singalongs, from groovers to belters, they got your musical breakfast covered.

Low Velocity Sound System (DJ)

Gemächlichkeit ist eine Tugend. Nicht zu verwechseln mit dem Müssiggang (der definitiv auch gelernt sein will, in diesem Fall aber falsch beigemessen wäre). Pro tip: dress to sweat, auf der Veranda wird’s nämlich warm, das Wetter trägt hier allerdings nur einen kleinen Teil bei. Die frühen Morgenstunden gehören ganz den Prinzen der Schmiegsamkeit. Wer hat Muschebubu gesagt? Low Velocity Soundsystem wars. Kommuniziert wird allerdings ganz wortfrei, nur in Frequenzen. Lasst euch einlullen.


Conne Island, Koburger Str. 3, 04277 Leipzig
Tel.: 0341-3013028, Fax: 0341-3026503,