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25YRS | Alternative | Bass | Benefiz | Brunch | Café-Konzert | Country | Dancehall | Disco | Drum & Bass | Dub | Dubstep | Edit | Electric island | Electronic | Eurodance | Experimental | Feat.Fem | Film | Filmquiz | Folk | Footwork | Funk | Ghetto | Grime | Halftime | Hardcore | HipHop | House | Import/Export | Inbetween | Indie | Indietronic | Infoveranstaltung | Jazz | Jungle | Kleine Bühne | Klub | Lesung | Metal | Oi! | Pop | Postrock | Psychobilly | Punk | Reggae | Rock | RocknRoll | Roter Salon | Seminar | Ska | Snowshower | Soul | Sport | Subbotnik | Techno | Theater | Trance | Veranda | Wave | Workshop | tanzbar |


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Termin: 20.06.2019


Donnerstag, 20.06.2019, Einlass: 19:00 Uhr

Cyborg Cinema

CYBORG CINEMA combines more than 20 international collaborators who share their audiovisual productions in a screening. The host of this series is the techfeminist Constanza Piña and she will offer your eyes and ears a trip through biohacking, electro colonialism, rituals and sorcery, postporno, post apocalyptic surrealism, interspecies relations and experimental animation. The media artist Charlotte Eifler will join the screening and show an extract of her current work, which introduces us to a cyber entity and some crucial female internet pioneers.


0. "feminism is a browser" Charlotte Eifler [Germany, 2019 ongoing]
1. "Wonderful Feeling" Alicia McDaid + Katie Stenberg [Los Angeles, California, 2018]
2. "The Dreams of Charlotte" Amor de Primas [España]
3. "PARADXXX". Ana Cts, Sof Caín [México, 2018]
5. "DEFYING STRUCTURE" Ariana Ferrari [Londres, 2019]
6. "La venganza de las Carolinas (El Palomar + Crapulismo Ilustrado)" Chava Guerrilla [Barcelona 2018]
7. "U TE(A)R US. Hoy Soy Libre" Dani_dEmilia [Brasil, 2017]
9. "Position.s" Fallon Majanya [Francia. 2018] (Audio)
10. "Relinchos & Sussuros" KupaTeta [Brasil, 2019]
11. "KINO FEM." Larissa Rojas [Mexico, 2018]
12. "Blind Ritual" Liz Miller-Kovacs Los Angeles, [California 2019]
14. "EUTANASIA" RRayen [Argentina, 2018]
15. "FUCK THE FASCISM (Capítulo 3)" Maria Basura [Chile 2018]
16. "Tribute to Karl Sims' Virtual Evolved Creatures" Megan Daalder
17. "U$AAR" Sandra Araújo [Portugal 2018]
18. "DeepDownTidal" Tabita Rezaire [Francia 2017]
19. KO TU FAKING DARI? . Waterflower [Latvia 2017- 2019]
21. "Thou" White Boy Scream (Michaela Tobin) + Katie Stenberg [Los Angeles, California 2018]
22. "Bordo Hunt" Yunuen Rhi [Mexico 2018]
23. "" Fabiola Larios [Mexico 2019]

Constanza Piña is a techfeminist from Chile/Mexico and founder of Cyborgrrrls Mexico. Her artistic proposals are presented in different formats integrating dance, sound performance and participatory works. She reflects on the role of machines in our culture and human-technological sets, questioning the idea of education, capitalism and techno-centrist patriarchy in relation to open knowledge, autonomy and the valorisation of manual technical work.

Charlotte Eifler (Leipzig/Berlin) works at the interface of film, sound and science. In her essayistic videos and multimedia installations she interrogates the politics of representation, abstraction and computation. With a focus on feminist approaches and elements of science fiction she explores imaginations of alternative futures.

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Tel.: 0341-3013028, Fax: 0341-3026503,