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Termin: 12.11.2016


Samstag, 12.11.2016, Einlass: 23:00 Uhr

KLUB: Electric Island pres. DJ SPRINKLES // 25YRS Conne Island

DJ Sprinkles
Lowtec (workshop) /live
Onkit (caramba, audio-fiction) /dj
Albrecht Wassersleben (uncanny valley) /dj
Salomé /dj
Avalanche /dj
Cven Michelson /dj
Brather Louie /dj

„House isn't so much a sound as a situation.“

There must be a hundred records with voice-overs asking,

"What is house?"

The answer is always some greeting-card bullshit about

"life, love, happiness…“

The House Nation likes to pretend clubs are an oasis from suffering…

…but suffering is in here with us.

Music is the less important thing during a club event. It’s about the larger contexts that gave rise to particular genres and politics in these contexts:

all of the different dynamics - gender - sexuality -class - race ethnicity.

We’re not here out of love. Love is a mask.

Even if one feels they are doing it out of love, it’s a product of cultural indoctrination.

There are other things happening that have us here:
A lot of times it’s the hatred and the social environment that have us there.

Seeing others isolated like ourselves. One of the places we meet, in our self containment, is on the dance floor.

Whatever music is played doesn’t matter so much other than how certain genres take on weight to become symbolic voices of a particular scene. The scene we chose as our temporary space.

But it’s not my house, it’s not your house.

„I am less interested in the music within a club, and more interested in the particular histories of clubs as safe spaces for types of gender and sexual variance.“

DJ Sprinkles considers herself as someone who is involved in the construction of alternative histories, information sharing, and non-academic education. Trying to respond to the consumer market place and complicate the indoctrinations experienced through it. For him it is about noncooperation and interference. It’s an attempt to actively engage with the problems of social systems rather than just going with the flowww…

Sexual and gender crises, sex work, b l a c k m a r k e t d_ugs, alcohol ADDICTION, loneliness, racism, HIV, police brutality, qu33r BASHING, underpayment, un_employment, cens0rship - all at 120 beats per minute.

Tonight It’s the Connewitz 120 Blues

remixed by A. Wassersleben

KLUB: Electric Island pres. DJ SPRINKLES

Auch die KLUB-Crew hat einen sehr passenden Headliner für das 25YRS Electric Island gefunden: DJ Sprinkles! Nicht nur musikalisch findet sich Sprinkles in das KLUB-Programm des Conne Islands ein, auch aus politischer Sicht gehört Terre Thaemlitz genau auf diese Bühne. Kaum ein anderer setzt sich so sehr mit Themen wie Gender, Klassen oder Sexualität auseinander. Ein Sahnehäubchen eben.

[aus dem CEE IEH #236]

Conne Island, Koburger Str. 3, 04277 Leipzig
Tel.: 0341-3013028, Fax: 0341-3026503,