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Termin: 28.01.2016


Donnerstag, 28.01.2016, Einlass: 20:00 Uhr, Beginn: 21:00 Uhr

Mint Mind (Tocotronic/Deichkind)

support: Particell

»mostly fuzzy and sometimes trippy,

always with a foot in the annals of indie
2 guitars and drums from hamburg germany,
with as many folds as a book of origami
middle aged folks who still know how to play,
a good rhyme from mint mind will brighten up your day«

mint mind is a new project from self proclaimed all around musical multi-tasker and electric wizard Rick McPhail. after investing the last few years in his proggy-melancholic project glacier (of maine) McPhail felt the need to go back and do something more primitive, less ambitious and actually fun again. sound-wise the idea was to do something fuzzy with a garage-y feel and attitude but to try to avoid the typical formulas used in garage music. unfortunately as we all know the garage genre is quite full of many retro fetishists that only listen to about a 3 year window of the history of rock n roll and McPhail listens to about a 30 year window. dogma-wise this meant to try stay away from many of the genre’s go to formulas such as the macho sonics, seeds , etc. sound alike type vocals incorporated in most of the style, the typical start/stop style riffs a la the kinks many bands use or even the often obligatory reverb overladen crappy sound. instead, much like many punk/indie bands of the late 70’s to late 80’s (such as early SST screaming trees, mudhoney, pixies, pavement, love and rockets, etc.) the beautiful simplicity, energy and rawness is used as a sound template but songwriting-wise a wider horizon of influences is allowed. so, when feeling hippie or trippy, be trippy. if feeling indie, let your inner indie out. through this openness in influences mint mind’s music becomes a mixture of sweet and sour fuzzy riffage underlined by a laid back slackerness that simultaneously gives nods to a mix of bands from the 60’s to present day. impossible as it sounds, mint mind is still able to mix and balance all these influences without them seeming forced together or contrived. blah blah blah blah, and so on, and so on…

mint mind’s debut »near mint« was written, produced and recorded by Richard Arthur McPhail (accompanied by Sven Janetzko on drums/vox and Frank Stöckling on guitar/vox) in the course of 3 months in McPhail’s upper room studio in Hamburg, Germany.

siehe auch:,,,,,

Conne Island, Koburger Str. 3, 04277 Leipzig
Tel.: 0341-3013028, Fax: 0341-3026503,