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25YRS | Alternative | Bass | Benefiz | Brunch | Café-Konzert | Country | Dancehall | Disco | Drum & Bass | Dub | Dubstep | Edit | Electric island | Electronic | Eurodance | Experimental | Feat.Fem | Film | Filmquiz | Folk | Footwork | Funk | Ghetto | Grime | Halftime | Hardcore | HipHop | House | Import/Export | Inbetween | Indie | Indietronic | Infoveranstaltung | Jazz | Jungle | Kleine Bühne | Klub | Lesung | Metal | Oi! | Pop | Postrock | Psychobilly | Punk | Reggae | Rock | RocknRoll | Roter Salon | Seminar | Ska | Snowshower | Soul | Sport | Subbotnik | Techno | Theater | Trance | Veranda | Wave | Workshop | tanzbar |


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Alle Termine für den 20.04.2024


Samstag, 20.04.2024, Einlass: 14:00 Uhr

Skillsharing: Förderanträge für politische Arbeit schreiben

In diesem Workshop bekommt ihr einen Überblick über die Fördermöglichkeiten von politischer Arbeit. Egal ob Veranstaltungen oder der ganz normale Gruppen Alltag: Geld fehlt an allen Ecken und Enden und kaum ein:e hat Bock, sich durch den Wust von Anträgen zu wühlen. Gemeinsam finden wir hier den Anfang, zeigen euch wo ihr was findet und was beim formulieren von erfolgreichen Anträgen zu beachten ist.

Dauer: ca. 3 Stunden

Samstag, 20.04.2024, Einlass: 19:00 Uhr, Beginn: 20:00 Uhr

Patriarchy + Void Vision + Spit Mask

Patriarchy is a band lead by infamous LA songwriter and director Actually Huizenga, probing the soft underbelly of sex, power, subversion, and death - existing where desire and fear inevitably intertwine.

Never shy about confronting the audience with visceral, somewhat unsettling live performances, Patriarchy marries the NSFW carnage with sounds spanning infectious electronic dance, crushing industrial metal, and suffocating experimental noise.

Patriarchy returns a year after their successful debut European tour to revisit some of their favorite places, especially The Netherlands for Roadburn Fest, and to destroy some new cities along the way, including their first ever UK shows.

Since their last visit, Patriarchy released Forcefully Rearranged, a collection of 16 remixes that have been taking over DJ sets worldwide - featuring remixes by some of industrial & dark waves favorite names: The Soft Moon, Choke Chain, Automelodi, Choke Chain, Mvtant, Odonis Odonis, Rhys Fulber, Spike Hellis and many more.

2024 will be a big year for Patriarchy - in addition to new music coming early in the year, a slot on the much coveted Cruel World fest, and a brand new live set, Actually recently welcomed her first child to the world, a son named Winter Aurelius.

Speaking about the experience, she said “The motto of the last album (The Unself) was ‘I fear the things I want most…’ and childbirth proved to be the ultimate incarnation of those words. I’ve now experienced The Patriarchy’s ideal female accomplishment, and I enjoyed it, plus my breasts have doubled in size - my milk will be available at the merch table, but it won’t be cheap.”

Support: Void Vision

Conne Island, Koburger Str. 3, 04277 Leipzig
Tel.: 0341-3013028, Fax: 0341-3026503,