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Aktuelle Termine


25YRS | Alternative | Bass | Benefiz | Brunch | Café-Konzert | Country | Dancehall | Disco | Drum & Bass | Dub | Dubstep | Edit | Electric island | Electronic | Eurodance | Experimental | Feat.Fem | Film | Filmquiz | Folk | Footwork | Funk | Ghetto | Grime | Halftime | Hardcore | HipHop | House | Import/Export | Inbetween | Indie | Indietronic | Infoveranstaltung | Jazz | Jungle | Kleine Bühne | Klub | Lesung | Metal | Oi! | Pop | Postrock | Psychobilly | Punk | Reggae | Rock | RocknRoll | Roter Salon | Seminar | Ska | Snowshower | Soul | Sport | Subbotnik | Techno | Theater | Trance | Veranda | Wave | Workshop | tanzbar |


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Alle Termine für Oktober 2008


02.10.2008 Volxsturm, Eastside Boys, Uppercuts
03.10.2008 electric island meets dial records: "ALL DIAL NIGHT LONG!" - Sten, Lawrence, Carsten Jost, Snow
04.10.2008 Entombed, Misery Speaks
08.10.2008 Bring Me The Horizon, The Red Shore, Deez Nuts, Ignominious Incarceration
09.10.2008 Christiane Rösinger
10.10.2008 tanz-bar
11.10.2008 Loxy, End.user, LXC, Lowcut
13.10.2008 Black Milk, Guilty Simpson, Bishop Lamont, DJ D-fekt
16.10.2008 Vom Segeln, Carusella
18.10.2008 Benefizdisco
22.10.2008 CEE IEH live: - Islamisches Patriarchat und Postfeminismus
23.10.2008 "Tempo Tempo"-Tour 2008 - Blackmail, Earthband
24.10.2008 Hellnights/Fiendforce/Helloween Tour 2008 - Blitzkid, The Other, Der Fluch, Zombina & The Skeletones
25.10.2008 electric island meets KANN & DU - KANN labelnight!, map.ache, johannes beck, thomas fröhlich, christian fröhlich, bender, sevensol, manamana
28.10.2008 shitkatapult label tour: t.raumschmiere "I TANK U" release - t.raumschmiere, warren suicide, daniel meteo
29.10.2008 Wayne Hussey
31.10.2008 Release-Show zu den neuen Egotronic- und Frittenbude-Alben - Egotronic, Frittenbude, Rampue, Scheckkartenpunk, DJ MTDF, Resom

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Tel.: 0341-3013028, Fax: 0341-3026503,