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Aktuelle Termine


#230, Februar 2016
#231, März 2016
#232, April 2016
#233, Mai 2016
#234, September 2016
#235, Oktober 2016
#236, November 2016
#237, Dezember 2016

Aktuelles Heft


• das erste: In Sachsen nichts Neues
• inside out: Ein Schritt vor, zwei zurück
Offener Brief an Talib Kweili
Audio88 & Yassin
KLUB: Electric Island pres. DJ SPRINKLES
KLUB: L'Altro Mondo
Beach Slang
Being As An Ocean + Burning Down Alaska + Capsize + Casey
Sayes: Nicht nur vielleicht-Release-Cafeshow


Skateistan – Filmvorführung und Gespräch
A-F-R-O Polo
Offenes Antifa Treffen

25YRS Conne Island & Antifaschistischer Frauenblock Leipzig: Sag mir wo du stehst
25YRS Conne Island & 15YRS Phase 2: Mitten ins Schwarze ist auch vorbei
• review-corner event: Shalom Tristesse: Anmerkungen zu den blinden Flecken der Europa-Diskussionen
• position: Ein anderer Text wäre möglich gewesen
• das letzte: Beate Zschäpes offene Rechnung
Neue Titel im Infoladen


Eigene Inhalte:
Fotos (Flickr)
Tickets (TixforGigs)

Fremde Inhalte:
Fotos (Flickr)
Videos (YouTube)
Videos (vimeo)

Offener Brief an Talib Kweili

Dear Mr Talib Kweli Greene,
Considering your upcoming concert at Conne Island on December 13th, we the people and voluntary makers of this venue are deeply concerned about your recent and previous comments about the Israeli democracy and your perspective on the status of the Jewish state in general.
Conne Island always was and will be a place where discrimination will be rejected.
Whether its sexism, racism, homophobia anti-Semitism, et cetera.
We solidarize with the state of Israel and everybody who's seeking for peace in the Middle East, based on the fact that Israel has the right to exist which demands to defend and protect its people (including nearly 2 million arabians). Israel's right to exist remains unalterable for us.
To say that Israel is an apartheid state is simply wrong and takes away any empathy and understanding of what South African apartheid was about.
To threaten the only democracy in this area by boycotting, divesting and sanctioning this sovereign state, which is also threatened by nearly every neighbor, including the Hamas, Hezbollah, IS and a possible nuclear armed Iran, seems very harsh to us. Or put more precisely, it’s obvious antisemitism.
Wondering about the fact that we never heard and saw such tendencies in your music, we're asking you to change your perspective. We cannot tolerate anti-Semitic rants, posts or signings.
We would love to have another great evening with you on 12/13, but if you continue to support the BDS campaign and make anti-Semitic tweets on twitter or on whatever platform, there is no ohter option for both of us than to cancel the concert.


Conne Island

Conne Island, Koburger Str. 3, 04277 Leipzig
Tel.: 0341-3013028, Fax: 0341-3026503,