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Aktuelle Termine


#172, Januar 2010
#173, Februar 2010
#174, März 2010
#175, April 2010
#176, Mai 2010
#177, Juni 2010
#178, Juli 2010
#179, September 2010
#180, Oktober 2010
#181, November 2010
#182, Dezember 2010

Aktuelles Heft


• das erste: Das Deutschland der Sarraziner schafft sich ab – so what?!
Island Deluxe
Option paralysis
Mouse on the Keys /live
»Messing with your emotion«
Hell on Earth Tour
Mice Parade, Laetitia Sadier, Silje Nes
 electric island  fall edition
Samiam, The Casting Out
Austin Lucas, Drag the River, Cory Branan.
DOOM-Europe Tour 2010

Hellnights 2010
Stomper 98, Volxsturm, HardxTimes
Far From Finished
Lesung: Was kostet die Welt
»Das Ende des Kommunismus«
• review-corner buch: Abwarten? Nein Danke!
• doku: Solidarität mit Israel!
• doku: Leipzig / 16. Oktober / Call For Action
• doku: Der destruktive Charakter
• doku: Kapitalismus als Religion
• leserInnenbrief: Brief an die Leser_innen
• das letzte: Stuttgart 21 – Widerstand wird zum demokratischen Fanal!


Eigene Inhalte:
Fotos (Flickr)
Tickets (TixforGigs)

Fremde Inhalte:
Fotos (Flickr)
Videos (YouTube)
Videos (vimeo)

Hell on Earth Tour

Every Time I Die
All Shall Perish
The Acacia Strain
Down to Nothing
Thick as Blood
Vera Cruz

»More stagedives! More stagedives! I need everyone up here.« – picks up gum off the stage – »Whoever's gum this is, I need them up here too!«

»If a Nazi walks through that door, beat the shit out of him!«

»I wanna see 100 stagedives per song.«

»This song is was created for dancefloor destruction!«

»Maximum output. Activate the pit.«

»Wanna see some stage dives... Stage dive off this monitor, off the drum monitor, off this kids face, off that light, more stage dives!«

»Fuck these keyboards in our scene!!«

»Being straightedge doesn't make you more hardcore!«

»Lets see more circle pits! More stage dives! Grown!«

»This next song we made just for you motherfuckers to mosh!!!! I want you to blow this fucking place apart!«

»I want to see exactly 17 stagedives during this song. No more. No less.
Thanks for supporting terror. Now all you drunks get some beers, all you edge kids get some cokes...!!«

Zitate von

Scott Vogel (Terror)



Conne Island, Koburger Str. 3, 04277 Leipzig
Tel.: 0341-3013028, Fax: 0341-3026503,