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zoosound, 4.8k
flyer, 17.9k
Rückblick ZOOSOUND Vol. 1
• DJ Shame+DJ Legeres
(Goldmine, Jena)
• Dr. Chris+MC Akanni (Köln)
• DJ Tomic (Karamel, L.E.)
• MC Metaphysics (10 vor 10)
flyer, 21.2k
Rückblick ZOOSOUND Vol. 2
• DJ Big Brother BK
+DJ Tomic (L.E.)
• Afrika Bambaataa
(Godfather of Hip Hop)
• MC Metaphysics (10 vor 10)

on the wheels
of steel:
DJ Opossum
DJ Sent
DJ Legeres
Host of
the Night:
Da Poise
(ex. Real
Dope thing)
B-Boy Arena
für Antifa
live on:

01.10. Creutzfeld & Jacob+Roey Marquis II+guests
20.10. ZOOSOUND Vol. 3 DJ Opossum+MC Poise
02.11. blauer Samt Tour: Torch – das schlechte Gewissen des Hip Hop in Deutschland –
+Toni L+Boulevard Bou+DJ Stylewarz+DJ Inesha +Zulu Soundsystem
04.11. ZOOSOUND special (watch out for flyers!)
18.11. D-Flame+Tolga
24.11. Hip Hop in Vorbereitung
23.12. ZOOSOUND Vol. 4 (watch out for flyers!)

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last modified: 28.3.2007